Below you will find a list of items or services that have been requested to meet specific needs. A young person may have found a job, but needs a bike to get to work on time. A family may have recently found permanent housing and find they need furnishings. A student may need a better laptop in order to participate more successfully in an online class. If you are able to donate one of these items, please use the contact form beneath the list to coordinate with our team. Your donation may be tax deductible. Thank you for your generosity! Our community is stronger when we support one another.

Item/Service Needed

Date Item Is Needed

Reason For Request

1. Low, wide dresser


A young mother is in need of a low, wide dresser because she has an energetic toddler who loves to climb

2. Size 9 women's athletic shoes and size small women's romper/one piece


A young person trying out different styles to feel more comfortable is in need of a romper and athletic shoes

3. Two sofa chairs without arms


We are requesting two chairs for our office to accommodate all clients and their needs

4. New breast pump


A new young mother is in need of a breast pump

5. A mobile phone


A mother whose phone broke is in need of a new one to stay in touch with OTTP-SF, as well as with family and other daily connections.

Contact Our Team To Fulfill A Need

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